Dedication I would like to dedicate this website to several people who were, and remain to be very instrumental in introducing me to the Scottish Terrier breed that I have come to love so much. I must first thank my parents for bringing Josephine into my life when I was a very young girl. I never forgot that wonderful Scottie and how much fun it was to have her in my life. It is an honor to call Barbara DeSaye (left holding Sharky, AM CH Sandgreg's Second Edition) and Marge Meeder my friends and mentors. Barbara is known all over the world for her very careful and thoughtful breeding of the Scottish Terrier. It is Barbara who helped to develop the wheaten Scotties as we know them today, and it is Barbara’s Sandgreg line that has given me the beautiful Scotties I have today. Over the years she has always been available to give me help and advice when I needed it. Marge Meeder introduced me to Barbara and helped me to get my first Scottie as an adult from her. Marge, too, is always available to give help and advice when needed. Marge is a wealth of information when it comes to exhibiting. She has exhibited, beautifully groomed and finished many, many Scotties over the years. I will always be grateful to these two very special women. To my grandson, Gregory, I thank you for your assistance and expertise in developing this website for me. Left: AM CH Sandgreg's Second Edition (Sharkey); Right: AM CH Sandgreg's Editorial (Tory) |